april and may's postcard

The draft or scribble of my postcard/letter I have posted in April and May:

April 27th

Dear, Mikoto.
The song I'm listening to recently is Everybody's Changing by Keane. I play it constantly last night, couldn't sleep, I stayed awake till 5am. I think the lyrics of that song describe how my life going on nowadays.

Dear, Jesus
I have trouble with sleep recently, I thought read myself a book to sleep would help but eventually it keeps me up till dawn, and when I manage to sleep, I get nighmares and mumbling in my sleep. My mama said this morning I yelled ' you are a cheater'. But I can't recall the scene. I'm thinking about visiting a therapist, its necessary yet society here find it absurd.

Your friend, Adzra 

April 30th

Dear, Chen
Its a cold night! And I just expereinced an unbelievable moment in my life. I went to an English Club for the first time. It was in a cafe. Turns out they canceled the meeting, but there was group of stranger there gathering for going out to another place, I joined them, one brunette American include. For an introvert nerd like me who barely meet people offline, I consider it as a good start to get out of my common zone. 

Hi, Sirote
I played the pirate ship ride today, I sat in the back of the ride, thus I clearly feel the terrifying moment when the ride throws us up, my leg was shaked a lot until now, actually. One of my pal vomit up after it. 

May 3rd

Dear, Diana
Its a serene night and I barely hear any voice, usually its a bit crowd but we are on holiday and people tend to stay home rather than go outside. Ever listened to "row row row your boat"? Suddenly it pop up in my mind .

Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merily merily merily merily
Life is but a dream


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