
Showing posts from October, 2022


I had this dream in the dawn. My mom tied a dog firmer because he tried to escape by biting his tie, I always wanted to pet a dog. I went out, meeting two chinese-looking kids in front of the gang, they look adorable, they wanted to go across the street to buy candies, the poor youngest boy was fell and cried, I asked his older sister to hold him, I helped them find her mom, and they lead me to there house.  3 cats licking their hand and 2 kitties in front of their house. One of the kitty is Siamese, the other one was blue. Weird.  Now I'm too busy sleepy to help mom, I have no energy to get up. 

The Worry

Numerous worriness I put on each decision I am planning. I let it be in the beginning till it halfly possesing me. Regret is what I received. Applying the 'life is just like that' or 'these things happened ' spell is might what I must do now. Because like what he has said, these things curiously happened. Oodless of jinx hitting me, a karma likewise, I'm figuring out what crime I have done, maybe I should be enlightened for all these unbalance in my soul , finding a religious experience that could convert me since I am not being a good religious girl every mom longing for this last 3 years. Adapting with college life is tough. What is right... what is wrong... I am confused. Not used to 30 minutes of traffic to college. It made me a bit depressed. I'm a good listerner I guess, but friends are always busy, where should I go?